Our Solutions
Select your Solution

Choose the Best Plan for Your Business

  • Monthly
  • Yearly
Bronze Plan
ZM 562.50/ Monthly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 7,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 5 business email accounts
  • 5-page professional website
  • Site monitoring and security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support
Silver Plan
ZK 791.67/ Monthly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 10,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 15 business email accounts
  • 10-page dynamic professional website with 1 database
  • Site monitoring & security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support
Gold Plan
ZK 1041/ Monthly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 13,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 30 business email accounts
  • 15-page dynamic professional website including a shop
  • Site monitoring and security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support
Bronze Plan
ZM 6750/ Yearly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 7,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 5 business email accounts
  • 5-page professional website
  • Site monitoring and security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support
Silver Plan
ZK 9500/ Yearly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 10,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 15 business email accounts
  • 10-page dynamic professional website with 1 database
  • Site monitoring & security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support
Gold Plan
ZK 12500/ Yearly
offer -30%
Get started today!
Renews at ZK 13,000/year
  • 1 FREE .com, .org or .net domain
  • 30 business email accounts
  • 15-page dynamic professional website including a shop
  • Site monitoring and security updates
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support

lusakaweb has the perfect web hosting Plan

Unmetered bandwidth
We do not limit traffic to your website even when your website gets more popular.
Free SSL Certificates
The digital certificate authenticates your website's identity and assures your customers of safety.
24/7 Live Support
This service that provides you with assistance at all times of the day
We provide you with a dashboard to run your website.
99.99% Server Uptime
We assure your business of the best service throughout the year.
Personalized Email Service
Get your business running on branded emails.

24/7/365 support.
We work when you work.